The Therapy Offered

The Therapy Offered

My style of therapy combines the respectful and warm approaches of Person Centred therapy and the depth of Psychodynamic psychotherapy. It helps you to look at questions such as:

  • What are the implications of how I choose to live my life?
  • What are the patterns that are repeated and why?
  • What is in my personal history that has contributed to these patterns?
As a therapist I will help you to make these connections between the past and the present. I will often comment on what happens in the sessions as we talk together. This can help to show how some of the things that you feel, do and say are not driven by your conscious thoughts and feelings, but by unconscious feelings from your past. And if it is happening in the therapy sessions, it will also be happening in your day-to-day life. When you understand these connections better, you can make decisions based on what you want or need now, not what your past experiences drive you to do.

The sessions last for 50 minutes and are held on the weekly basis or up to 3 sessions a week. Therapy over months rather than weeks often enables you to gain deeper understanding about yourself and a greater ability to make meaningful changes in your life.

Therapy can be challenging and painful, but it can also be emancipating and very valuable. It will ultimately respect your choice in the path you choose to live your life.

I work one to one with individuals, with couples and also offer family therapy.

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